May 23, 2009


"oh. my. god. we were there. i'm framing the tickets."

i wrote that last night and posted it to my facebook. if you don't know what i'm talking about, well, um... ok, i got nothin.

when i first started hearing all the media frenzy (all over the country!) about this high-school basketball player phenom from akron, lebron james, it was all i could do to not throw up in my mouth. wtf? he's in freaking HIGH SCHOOL! let the kid grow up and learn to be a freaking MAN before you start teaching him he's GOD! made me sick. and he signed with the cavs right out of high school -- ok yippee, big whoop, pffft. i couldn't sit through a cavs game to save my life. well, maybe that's a bit of hyperbole -- i never tried.

then we moved downtown. the building had this cool cable company that threw in almost every single cavs and indians game for free. and you just can feel the excitement in the air living down here on days of sporting events. the city comes alive. ALIVE, I TELL YA!

so i sit down to watch a cavs game with my throw-up bowl handy. bill's happy that we have a cavs game on in the living room. he says, "you'll love this kid." we'll see. 5 minutes later, i'm hooked. i cannot believe that this 20-year old has such poise, plays so generously, and is magic (real magic, not the orlando kind of magic) on the court.

i know you're thinking "did i go to the right blog? where's stacey?" sorry. it IS me. i have turned into a cavs/lebron james MANIAC. we bought 2 season tickets for next year (and then 2 more -- 2 + 2 = 4 seasons tickets. stay with me people) and purchased the package of 4 seats to guarantee seats to all playoff games. we picked our seats because we had sat in them on one of our regular season game days (before we ordered season tickets for next year). they are hard to get to (for me), but great seats (when you get there)! honest to god (would i lie to you?), they are the absolute last row of the Q, right at center court (bill sits on one side of the center-court line, i sit on the other side). dead center court on the players' bench side. but like a quarter mile high.

i'm a freaking screaming idiot at the games. bill looks at me at least once a game and says "who ARE you?" i don't honestly know -- i'm just having a ball.

last night i wasn't having such a good time when time out was called with one second (do you know how short a time ONE SECOND is???) left in the game. orlando 95, cleveland 93. bill's calm as can be. lebron's gonna hit a 3." well, duh, i knew he was gonna TRY. oh me of little faith. i had my head down, hands over my face. i first hear bill SCREAM "HE MADE IT!" and then the eruption hits. oh. my. god. i have NEVER heard such noise in my life. every single person in the Q is SCREAMING. CRYING. JUMPING. HUGGING. oh. my. god.

and the entire crowd stayed in their seats celebrating until lebron finished his on-the-court interview with espn or whoever it was (you tell ME who it was -- i was AT the game!) waved to the crowd and hugged his mom. ANOTHER LONG OVATION AND CELEBRATION.

sometimes, only "it was freaking awesome!" describes the moment.

oh -- and new york? sucks to be you.

Posted by Stacey at May 23, 2009 08:09 PM

OMG...this was awesome to read. Your energy and excitement is just LEAPING off the page!!!

Posted by: KathyHowe at May 24, 2009 06:22 PM

Are you sure you aren't from indiana? I thought Ohio was all about football and Indiana has the basketball fans.

Posted by: -d at May 28, 2009 10:32 AM