May 30, 2009


by now, you know i'm a cavs' fanatic. and lebron. duh. so the past 10 days have me questioning the very meaning of life. why?

in spite of the fact that our loyal readers (all 2 of them) know for a certainty that that guy over there to your right thinks in a verrrry different way from most of us/you, you might -- or might not -- be surprised to learn that my thinking process can zoom wayyy out of control. i struggle (mightily) to be normal or some acceptable approximation thereof (one of us HAS TO) and to control the not-so-much demons as umm, well, i guess maybe thought monkeys?

so, i start thinking "cavs game tonight!"

then, "please, PLEEEEEEASE win!"

then "orlando doesn't need this! Cleveland does! they have freaking DISNEY WORLD!"*

then, "please, PLEEEEEASE, god!"

then, "wait. if there IS, indeed a god, then he surely is letting cleveland take care of itself."

then, "is there a god/gods? do i believe in god?"

arghhhhhhhh. i don't want to THINK about this right now. maybe never.

then, "what should we eat during the game? are we out of potato chips? should we even HAVE potato chips in the house?"



*sometimes THIS step spirals off into the "if-cleveland-loses-will-lebron-want-to-leave place. it's a dark. dark place where i don't want to go. ever.

Posted by Stacey at May 30, 2009 02:24 PM

My god...we are sooooo alike. LOL

Posted by: KathyHowe at June 1, 2009 02:09 PM