June 13, 2009


tomorrow morning, we're heading down to columbus for one of the most notable occasions of our life -- tomorrow matty receives his PhD in computer science engineering at the ohio state university commencement ceremony. he will be starting his teaching career in the fall at moravian college in bethlehem, pennsylvania.

bill and i are crazy proud. we have been grinning like idiots and telling anyone who will listen all about it.  god, we're ridiculous.

matt is one of the coolest people you could ever meet. he has grown into an incredibly warm, funny, compassionate, and -- duh -- brilliant young man.  he chose very wisely his life partner.mel is lovely, funny, supportive, and -- duh -- brilliant. they are soooo good together.

matty's first-grade teacher complained in our first parent/teacher conference that matt "makes his g's backwards." i said, "did you know he has already read the entire 'little house on the prairie' series?" bill said, "we'll worry about that when and if he's still doing it at 15." again, we're ridiculous.

a friend of mine said to me when matt was 4, "i hope you're not raising him just as the smart kid!" i told her we were raising boys to be fine young men. i think we've done a pretty good job of that (not that i'm patting myself on the back, you know).

when he was just over a year old, bill and i were getting ready to go out. i remember the dress i was wearing -- it was a very light, colorful fabric with metallic threads throughout. matty (BABY matty) said, "mom, you look like a dancer!" honest to god, this is the way he talked. but it was also sooooooo sweet, bill and i just looked at each other with tears in our eyes.

i'm sure there will be a lot of those moments tomorrow. when i pregnant with the boys, i wanted to cherish every minute that i could. there are so few days like this in a whole lifetime. i have been so blessed -- i feel blessed every day. tomorrow will be a day that i'll want to experience and cherish every second.

Posted by Stacey at June 13, 2009 11:26 PM

I hope that you are all having a wonderful day. Don't forget to take something to wipe your eyes.

Posted by: Anji at June 14, 2009 10:27 AM

This is truely a most wonderful time in your lives, and Matt's. My heart is full just thinking of you all today. You are blessed and it is a very cool...coolest of cool days for you. I just want you to know how happy I truely am for you.

Posted by: tracy at June 14, 2009 12:14 PM

What a great post and what a GREAT GREAT GREAT son you have raised!!

Congrats to ALL of you! :)

Posted by: KathyHowe at June 14, 2009 07:41 PM