June 14, 2009

Twist and Eat

I was in Target. Around the corner from the $1 aisles, that are just past the entrance doors, was a shelf with relatively healthful foods laid out down its length. Well, on second thought, maybe not totally healthful.

But I did notice something quite distressing. Well, on second thought, maybe distressing does not describe the reaction. Surprising is a better word.

I was distressed some time ago when Nabisco changed the packaging of Oreos, semi-hard, clear plastic container, reminiscent of blister packs that can't be opened by humans, holding the cookies encased in some kind of space age polymer, requiring stabbing weapons to open it, instead of the stiffened waxed paper-like dividers with the not-impossible-to-open, heavy cellophane, ends sealed by blue paper-like end panels that provided an easy way to carry the packages of Oreos.

These new packages of Oreos were quite different, not because there was any change in the nuclear-detonation-proof polymer package, but because there were four white circles on the blue-colored package around each of the blue letters, "O" "R" "E" "O," which is nothing like the usual OREO logo, "OREO" with a blue shadow around it, cookies somewhere behind it.

Next to this new-age Oreo logo packaging was a display of Ritz crackers, but these boxes of crackers had a different RITZ logo, not the blue circle with the yellow RITZ across it, but something quite different. Each yellow letter in RITZ was set inside a blue circle on the red box.

If Nabisco or Kraft or whoever owns OREOs wants to change the Oreo packaging, they should go back to the old, easy-to-open, destructible, non-resealable packages that required eating a lot of Oreos until the brown corrugated waxed thingy could be taken out of the package in order to be able to fold the end of the bag, which still didn't keep the Oreos fresh, but made everyone feel better about not having to eat them all in one sitting.

That, not making the package markings simplistic, would be old school.

And Ritz crackers? I don't care.

Posted by Bill at June 14, 2009 11:59 PM

oh you care. you just don't know it.

Posted by: stacey Lang at June 16, 2009 12:54 PM

This sounds like a job for Naomi Klein. :o)

Posted by: Kyle at June 18, 2009 10:27 PM

Agreed...so tired of stabbing packaging in order to get to the thing I want...like 15 minutes ago. I say to my husband all the time, "They want you to buy it, but they don't want you to get it opened." I simply agree here...

Posted by: tracy at June 21, 2009 07:17 AM