September 21, 2009

Free Stamp

I've decided to start a new project for my half of the blog, as if anyone checks it out anymore. I'm taking pictures with my iPhone when I'm out walking the dogs, mostly of the mundane things in which the dogs are interested, such as fire hydrants, but not just fire hydrants.

Claes Oldenburg was commissioned to do a sculpture for the Standard Oil Company, which was started by homeboy, John D. Rockefeller, and came up with the Free Stamp, a symbol of the freedoms we enjoyed at one time in this country, except that British Petroleum bought Standard Oil and the guy in charge of BP didn't like the sculpture or the idea. BP eventually donated it to the City.


There was a lot of discussion about where it was going to be erected, and it sat for a few years in storage; but, finally, the sculpture was erected in Willard Park, which is adjacent to City Hall, across the street from the steel and glass federal office building, and up the hill from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.

Posted by Bill at September 21, 2009 03:41 PM


I've met your dogs.

This could be an interesting project.

Posted by: KathyHowe at September 21, 2009 04:17 PM

LOL Not having met the dogs, I still think it will be interesting. :) I dig the sculpture.

Posted by: Keri at September 21, 2009 04:29 PM

I have the best picture of the kids standing next to the Free Stamp.

Posted by: -d at September 21, 2009 10:52 PM

Hey, let's truck that sucker down to D.C., so the government can use it on some healthcare coverage for US. I'll pitch in for my fair share of the ink.

Posted by: Kyle at September 22, 2009 03:31 AM