September 22, 2009

Detroit-Superior Bridge

I try to avoid walking my pack of dogs down the hill on the east bank of the Cuyahoga River, one of the sites where Moses Cleaveland might have landed before surveying this part of the Northwest Territory for the Connecticut Land Company, which was to be Connecticut's reparations from the Revolutionary War. Cleaveland left the malaria-infested swamplands at the mouth of the crooked river a few months later, never to return. My pack of dogs doesn't tolerate interlopers; and Settler's Landing has, in recent years, become a popular gathering spot for the urban-dwelling canine population and their human companions.

My dogs are not special; they have their pack and do not play well with others. I avoid the area during rush hour after the 9 - to - 5'ers get home and head for the grassy knoll above the river with their various dogs so as to prevent confrontation and needless bloodshed.

A few nights ago, at about sunset, which was about 8, hours after the Chihuahua/Pug/Yorkie crowd had retired, I spent a few minutes at Settler's Landing, which affords a view of the night-lit Detroit-Superior Bridge, which was the world's longest concrete and steel span in the world when built nearly a century ago.


This weekend, Friday night, from 4 to midnight, and Saturday, from noon to midnight, the The Bridge Project, celebrating the visual and performing arts, free of charge, takes place on the bridge's lower level, the level that carried trolley traffic until it was closed about 50 years ago and will be opened once again for two days; and the catacomb-like structure will serve as the locus of the event.

All are invited. You may catch me on the Conference Bike when you are there.

Posted by Bill at September 22, 2009 10:56 PM

I would like to know if you will be riding the conference bike with a bevy of young beauties as in the video? And also, I think the bike should automatically play that fabulous, I mean FABULOUS music that played as background quite loudly to announce you as you all coming pedaling gracefully through the crowds! (And you should definitely have one of your pooches on your lap, as well!)

Wonderful! Enjoy...

Posted by: Keri at September 23, 2009 12:23 AM

Hello from Russia!
Can I quote a post in your blog with the link to you?

Posted by: Polprav at October 22, 2009 04:15 PM