September 24, 2009

West 6th

Part of the standard dog-walking route takes us onto the "other part" of West 6th Street in the Warehouse District. The part of West 6th Street known to the younger partying crowd is north of St. Clair Avenue; and since the dogs do not like dealing with the drunken young women, who invariably want to pet, hold, and get all kissy-feely with them, we avoid that end of the street and stay south of St. Clair, where a number of excellent restaurants are located, such as Crop, Johnny's, Metropolitan Cafe, and Nauti Mermaid. The Mercury Lounge is tucked in there somewhere near Starbucks.
In the mid-afternoon, dog treats and water are supplied by Johnny's. And when you see Stacey, ask her about Eddie Van Halen and the afternoon at the Nauti Mermaid.

Posted by Bill at September 24, 2009 10:35 AM