October 10, 2010

You Know You've Lived in The City a Long Time When ...

I am officially a city dweller -- oh, I have an address downtown, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm a city dweller. It's also a mental or emotional thing, too. Here's what I'm talking about. I played golf Saturday morning over in the next county.

I said excitedly, "Hey, look at the grasshopper there!"

My two friends, who each live a few minutes from the course and are apparently familiar with the species, looked at me, both with eyebrows scrunched down.

What could I say? Haven't seen a grasshopper in quite a while. Really. I haven't.

Has Burger King finally abandoned the sick fuck Burger King with the big smiley head for the equally obnoxious Pied Piper character?

And, speaking of royalty, when is Dairy Queen going to get rid of those creepy red lips in its commercials? I'm boycotting Dairy Queen.

Posted by Bill at October 10, 2010 11:16 PM