October 11, 2010

Kill Will

The Cleveland Public Theatre sent me my invitation to the production Kill Will. Yeah, they say it has something to do with Shakespeare, but I know what they are after -- realism in the theater. And if killing some sucker like me means that they succeed, then they are going to do it. I'll sit with my back to a wall. They have no idea with whom they are fucking (See how I worked that Olde English word "fucking" in there?)

And here's a leftover from the Ingenuityfest:
What is that? Is that a huge wooden ball 8 feet in diameter?
Yes. I can't remember the name of it or the artist's name. What a crappy blogger I am.

And it's not too late to pick up your FDA-approved Dip Head: Skull.
I wonder about the placement of the colon in the title of the item. Are there other types of Dip Heads? The answer is: NO. Just the skull. Go figure (Okay, so you make an exhaustive search of all the internets, wise ass!)

I came across this pair of nice shoes on display while walking the dogs the other night.
They didn't look my size (that's my Keen-encrusted foot at the bottom of the photo for comparison), and the dogs gave them a wide berth.

And because I know that everyone wants to know what they should do, I decided to restrict my candy corn purchases to Brach's Candy Corn. Safe. Secure. Consistent flavor.

Posted by Bill at October 11, 2010 07:54 PM

And do you know the correct candy corn/peanut ratio for making that perfect salted nut roll in the mouth flavor? :) I may be looking out for one of the skulldippery things. HBB might enjoy one of those. Fun.

Posted by: Keri at October 12, 2010 03:08 PM

Sit near to the back and keep your eye on the exit.

Shoes left in the street worry me, but I haven't seen any shoeless people around.

Posted by: Anji at October 13, 2010 05:44 AM