October 13, 2010

Problem Solved

This whole religion thing that a lot of people are into kind of gets me down. I'm like looking at the stuff that happens in the world, what with all the killing and a lot of people not rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's and many not helping their brother like in that song, stuff like that; and I'm wondering if people really want to practice all the allegedly good things that are espoused by their prophets and spiritual leaders like Jesus and Muhammad and that guy I see on the corner of 9th and Lakeside from time to time.

I really did not want to blog about religion and stuff like that -- like I said, it kind of gets me down. But, then again, I saw this news story about the miraculous resurrection of a dog in Michigan. What does it mean? If they were talking about some image on a piece of toast, now that would be a fucking miracle, a thing to say prayers to or whatever. But a dog comes alive after it was officially dead? Not a miracle. Not the resurrection and the life they were looking for, I guess.

I'm just sayin'.

Today, I solved a significant problem in my life. I realize that not everyone has this particular problem, and I consider myself pretty lucky that it is a significant problem in my life. So many people have much more serious problems -- kid is a drug addict, perhaps; mother has Alzheimer's and hasn't recognized her son for six fucking years, maybe; M.S. striking a guy's wife, perchance (heheh, looked that up in the thesaurus); can't get below 6.7 handicap index because the guy laid down his Vespa and had to change his swing, for all one knows (that one, too) -- so, I'm lucky that the only real significant problem is socks.

Socks, you ask? Or maybe not, but I'll tell you anyway.

Socks wear out in different spots, depending on which feet they are worn. So, if you put them on the wrong feet the second time you wear them, it may be a problem -- annoying. And you may not be aware of it because it is not one of those small irritations you can put your finger on. But if you are aware of the slight difference in the way your socks feel on your feet, it becomes annoying.

But I solved the problem:

Posted by Bill at October 13, 2010 07:10 PM

I'm not a veterinarian, and I don't know where that guy in Michigan got his DVM, but I can't imagine that "First Do No Harm" was chiseled anywhere on the campus. Instead, they probably painted up something like this: "Never ascribe to the supernatural that which can be explained by simple incompetence."

Posted by: Kyle at October 17, 2010 01:37 AM