October 21, 2010

The Upside of LeBron Leaving

The person in control of the left side of the blog, as you are looking at it, is slowly recovering from the severe post traumatic stress disorder caused by ... well, I'm no psychiatrist; so, I will not make the connection. All I know is that it wasn't me.

As the basketball season is beginning next week ... and I am disconcerted because the World Series, once a sports staple that ended by mid-October, hence, the moniker for Reggie Jackson, Mr. October ... I thought I would make observation that follows.

The last couple seasons were pretty annoying for the spectator at the Cleveland Cavaliers home games because the commercial breaks were 4, 5, 6 minutes long because of the nationally-televised games. Launching t-shirts into the crowd or dance routines by the Cavalier Girls or Lazy Boy recliner races sponsored by a local furniture store just did not take up the entire and numerous commercial breaks.

Now with LeBron James gone, the Cavs will not be on national TV; so, the commercial breaks won't be as long, the TV time-outs will be non-existent, games will start on time, and games won't be three fucking hours long.

Posted by Bill at October 21, 2010 09:48 PM

I refuse to say it. Oops, can't help it. Every cloud has a-- damn it all, no.

Posted by: Vicki at October 22, 2010 12:51 PM