October 22, 2010

Lunar Water

According to an article in the journal, Science, there is water on the moon; and they aren't talking a few molecules of water here and there, but massive quantities, gallons and gallons, in a deep crater, where the temperature is -233 degrees C.

Some pesky scientists smashed a part of a rocket to the moon right into that crater and analyzed what flew up after the impact. Forty gallons of water splashed up.

Great news? Many think so. Boy, those scientists were all gathered together in the middle of their lab, holding on to each other, jumping up and down in unison, lab coat tails flying up and down, up and down. What a sight!

But I don't think it's great news.

Why, you ask? Don't you know about the tremendous possibilities, you ask? Don't you realize that men could travel to the moon and drink a glass of water or, perhaps, iced tea, you ask?

But I am skeptical about all those possibilities. And I won't drink the water.

The water, grains of ice, is highly polluted with mercury and other stuff.

... Figures.

Posted by Bill at October 22, 2010 08:27 AM

Isn't it just ice?

Posted by: Anji at October 26, 2010 04:21 PM