November 23, 2010

I Am Not an Artist

I'm not getting any decorating suggestions for the monstrosity in the bathroom. That's probably because my two readers said, "What the hell is that?" and are still in shock.

Or they are on vacation somewhere. That is more likely.

So, I never claimed to be an artist:

That's worse than what it looked like before.

Posted by Bill at November 23, 2010 03:29 PM

I saw it on my phone only and could NOT figure out what it was until I finally got on my computer. But then I saw Stacey's post about the soap dispenser scaring the hell out of her. So I'd started to put two and two together... I'm not sure I'd want to put my hands (bahaha... first time I typed that it came out nads, which I don't have, but it was funny all the same) beneath that creature.

Clever, Billy.

Posted by: Keri at November 23, 2010 05:07 PM