February 03, 2011

It's Organic!

I have already explained my disaffection with peanut butter.

I had a demand moments ago to make a peanut butter sandwich; so, being nothing but compliant, I consented to the demand. And while there are not many ways to make a peanut butter sandwich, I do try to make it well, thickly peanut buttering one slice of the bread and then thinly peanut buttering the other piece of bread, making sure that the pieces are complementary ... or supplementary, take your pick. I match up the sides the way the slices came from the bag of bread; so, that might not have anything to do with complementary and supplementary.

I do that so that there is no danger of any slop-over from a little piece of bread hanging out that might cause peanut butter to get on my hand, arm, or other body part.

I grabbed the plastic jar of peanut butter from Trader Joe's. What do I know? It's peanut butter. But organic is good, and it is organic peanut butter. In a petroleum-based container. I opened the lid.

Now, the plastic in jars of Jif and Skippy is substantial. I have discovered that the plastic in jars of Trader Joe's peanut butter is pretty flimsy. When I opened the jar, some oily substance flew out because the jar squeezed in -- and not just "some," a lot of oily substance shot out, all over the counter ... and my hand.

What the heck is that? Is that some kind of trap for the unwary? I mean, how the heck was I supposed to know that there was a bunch of oil that was going to shoot out at me? There is nothing on the jar for an idiot like me that says: WARNING: Oil may erupt from container! Use CAUTION when opening!

I washed my hands. Not entirely successful, but I stirred the oil in -- I assume that is what I was supposed to do -- and made the sandwich.

And then I tried to clean up the counter. I don't know if I got it all. I can't tell. I got boiling hot water on a rag after I used a soapy rag. I have no idea if the granite is shiny or oily.

And I can't get this oil off my hands. I washed my hands -- three times. The keys are getting oily as I type this post.

This is worse that the actual peanut butter getting on me.

I'm going to take a shower. I can't stand this.

Posted by Bill at February 3, 2011 03:05 PM

The Slings and Arrows of outrageous fortune.

Posted by: Kyle at February 5, 2011 08:58 PM