February 01, 2011

E-mails Between Friends

From: Bill
Subject: Winter is bad
To: "DT"
Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2011, 4:02 PM

Donnie --
I got my bill for renewal of my Cavs tickets. The price went down about $600. And if I renew, I get four additional tickets for 6 of the remaining home games of my choice!!!! Oh boy, what enemies do I have I can foist those tickets on and make them suffer like I am. I'm having a hard time believing that these players are really pro basketball players. they could not beat the Buckeyes.

So, I am not renewing and will be buying Cleveland State tickets next year -- I think they are about $350 for 15 games in the first five rows or something like that.

I walked out the front door this morning with the dogs and there's 8 inches of snow. Where did that come from? I'm fed up with this weather. The couple down the hall went to Florida for a week. That sounds good about now, except I volunteered to watch their fucking cat. Must be fucking cabin fever getting to me.

Guess who has a personal trainer for the next few weeks -- if I had a gun, I'd probably shoot the mother fucker. And he likes this shit ... at 7 in the morning. I'll show him, though. Fucker.

Somehow, taking the dogs out at 6 or so wasn't so bad until I have to do it before working out. Mother fucker. And then, yesterday morning, there's some guy who looks like he lifts locomotives in his spare time, is lifting weights and doing weird pushups and I don't know what else and he's grunting and groaning and yelling. How fucking annoying is that shit when I'm trying to maintain my form AND lift weights AND breathe the right way. There'd be two dead guys if I had a gun. Honest to God. That guy doesn't need to work out -- he needs to be grunting and playing women's tennis!

But I guess I'll be doing better in a couple weeks -- learn how to grunt and stuff. That'll be impressive. Geez, I could impress the ladies. Hahaha! Except there aren't any down there so early in the fucking morning. Except one, I think. It was hard to tell, actually, because of all the grunting ... she was there on Friday last week. I guess grunting is the most important part of weight lifting.

That's all for now.

From: DT
Subject: Re: Winter is bad
Date: February 1, 2011 5:27:04 PM EST
To: Bill

Hey, you could post your tickets on a pole in front of your place.
Let me know how the trainer works for you ... laughed my ass off on that.
YOU were always so good at taking instruction.
No you don't have to grunt when you lift although the steroids he is on will shrink his nuts down to the size of peanuts ... that should be worth a chuckle the next time you see him
It is 23 and fucking raining hard we have ice all over damn big mess. Keeping fingers crossed and hope it warms up before the snow gets here.
Sucks. I am sore as hell from slipping around, haven't gone on my ass yet but I think that is coming.
62 and sunny in Phoenix and they are bitching.

Posted by Bill at February 1, 2011 06:53 PM

I'm not easily impresesd. . . but that's impressing me! :)

Posted by: Randi at April 25, 2011 05:35 AM