March 05, 2011

Flood Watch

How long have I been living around here? More years than I care to count. I started living here way before the turn of the century.

And around this time, a "news" story that has played every year at this time is again brought out of the archives and replayed.

The Chagrin River has overflowed its banks and flooded every house along the river. Oh, it's a terrible tragedy, you say? Yes, I suppose it is; but it happens every year around this time.

It's kind of like the Nile River flooding every year. I'm sure the Egyptians figured that out after a couple years and moved everything to higher ground, built their half million dollar homes on stilts or something, used that ancient Egyptian ingenuity.

But those who live along the Chagrin River? It is as if the river has flooded for the first time ever. They are never prepared for it, and they whine about it after it happens.

Fact: The Chagrin River floods every year! Move now before you forget that it happened because apparently there is some kind of mass forgetfulness going to happen in the next few weeks, and you'll forget and continue to live there.

It's the Twilight Zone over there. Year after year after year after year ...

Stop whining about it.

Cue the replay.

Posted by Bill at March 5, 2011 06:52 PM