April 25, 2011

Big Guy

So, I've been doing this work-out thing, with the personal trainer and all; and I've been like, you know, trying to eat better. And well, as for smoking, that's pretty tough to quit -- I'm glad I don't smoke. And substance abuse. Do you think if I were drinking and doing drugs, I'd call it "substance abuse?" Yeah, right.

I've lost a little weight, and my clothes are a little big. That's a good thing, I know. You'd think that there's no downside to that, but there is. Deep down inside, I feel smaller.

Then, today, as I walked toward Starbucks, I saw the guy, a homeless guy, in the doorway of the building next door, who said to me, "Hey, Big Guy, can you spare any change?" Big Guy. I told him I didn't. But he called me "Big Guy," and I should have given him some money. He was gone when I came out of Starbucks.

Just a few minutes ago, I was walking the dogs up near the House of Blues; and, there he was, the homeless guy, the one I had seen before outside Starbucks. He stood, leaning against the building, probably so as not to smudge the windows. I thought he was that way, you know, considerate.

Walking ahead of me was an homuncular man, somewhat older than me, and as he approached the homeless guy, he could not help but hear, "Hey Big Guy! Can you spare any change?" The diminutive man swerved away from the homeless guy, shaken, shaking his head vigorously.

Oh, well.

Posted by Bill at April 25, 2011 06:07 PM