April 26, 2011

E-Z Rider

I got an e-mail from Giant Eagle, the Pittsburgh-based food store chain that took over a Cleveland chain of supermarkets a few years back. Here is one of the ads:


I haven't eaten shrimp for a long time -- maybe, I'm being silly about the bottom feeders ingesting heavy metals like mercury and poisoning me, but that's what I'm feeling about shrimp -- but the last time I bought shrimp, for a party, I think, because guests immensely enjoy being poisoned in such a manner, I recall it was a lot more pricey than $5.99 a pound.

And one of the problems I had with shrimp was wrestling to get the tail and the shell, if that is, indeed, what they wear, off their fleshy interior. But, apparently, the shrimp have evolved into E-Z Peel Shrimp.

I checked -- no such thing as E-Z Peel Shrimp.

There is this kind:

And this kind:

I stopped there. Couldn't stand looking at the things. I wonder now why I even tried to eat something like this.

Posted by Bill at April 26, 2011 06:48 PM