April 30, 2011

Photoshopping 101

Following up on a few recent blog posts, my personal trainer has been out scouting locations for his next torture test and preparing for me:
hill sprint.JPG

The President produced his actual birth certificate, which has caused a major change in the thinking of all of the racists who fancy themselves as being intelligent -- the birth certificate was photoshopped and forensic examination is necessary.

This group -- 25% of those who claim to be Republicans by some estimates and 45% of all those whack-jobs claiming to be part of the "Tea Party," whatever that is -- is so fucking crazy that they can't see the forest for the trees.

I get text messages from the President from time to time. And from Mrs. Obama, too. I'm one of "them." And I will let you in on the secret. This birth certificate thing is just a smokescreen that we have created.

It is a subterfuge of the extreme left -- you know who they are. People like me. We like to fuck with you. We like to see how you react to "things."

Yes, the smokescreen. What is it hiding? Because that's what smokescreens do. If you don't understand, I'll step down to your level -- you will recall that James Bond used smokescreens from time-to-time in the movies to confuse those villains chasing him. I liked the things that came out of the hubcaps and sliced up the tires of Pussy Galore's car -- now, that was cool stuff. Did you notice how James Bond pronounced Miss Galore's first name -- listen for it next time you watch "Goldfinger."

Smokescreen -- yes. President Obama isn't Black. He's photoshopped. President Obama isn't even real. He is a product of the imaginative and creative people in a special wing of Industrial Light & Magic. If you look at videos of Obama, you can see the slight differences in his appearance which reveal this secret, this grand conspiracy. And if you compare other videos, he actually looks the same. It's just the same picture we use over and over again.

There you go. Secret revealed. It's just that we have come so far with technology since that first time -- you know, the man on the moon thing.

You are all so gullible.

Posted by Bill at April 30, 2011 07:20 AM