May 03, 2011


I gave the Jackal a lift this morning and saw a sign in the window of one of the establishments in his neighborhood.

It's very nice that the merchant offers an installment plan. Many might say that the merchant is taking advantage of the gullibility of the American public with all the hubbub about radiation from the Japan nuclear reactor failure spreading across the planet. And they would be correct.

But much closer is the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant operated by FirstEnergy, which nearly failed in 2002 because the lid of the containment vessel had corroded to the extent that failure of the plant was imminent. FirstEnergy agreed to pay huge fines instead of criminal prosecution. The plant's license to operate is up for renewal in 2017.

More recently, the plant's entire emergency shutdown system was rendered inoperable when a control room worker used his walkie-talkie to contact another worker in the plant.

So, maybe I should go on the installment plan.

Posted by Bill at May 3, 2011 12:41 PM

I've got some bottled water on my kitchen counter, here in CA. If it starts boiling where it sits, I'll email you. That'd be a good time for iodine in OH. But if I was driving by that power plant, I'd forgo the cell phone. In fact, sounds like a garage door opener is a threat to the populace.

Posted by: Kyle at May 5, 2011 02:51 AM