September 05, 2011

Hey, Don't Work Too Hard!

It's Labor Day, the traditional end of the summer season. Back in the day, it would signal the return to school for kids. Now, we're two weeks into high school football season. The kids have been in school for a couple weeks -- where did that come from?

The Cleveland National Air Show is always held over the Labor Day weekend in Cleveland. Having mentioned school, I must point out that, this year, the School Time Jet Bus makes an appearance at the Air Show.

Also celebrating the traditional end of summer is the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council, which has established hot dog season as being from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

Who knew?

Posted by Bill at September 5, 2011 11:42 AM

Nobody told me. It's just like Talk Like a Pirate Day and Towel Day and Bloomsday. Every year, I get left out of the loop. I have until midnight, evidently, to have a hotdog this year. And there's a hotdog stand on the bluffs a few hundred yards away. But dammit, I'm not hungry. [Sigh]

Posted by: Kyle at September 5, 2011 03:22 PM