September 08, 2011

Thursday Night

I rode the elevator with two younger guys. Apparently, there is a football game on television tonight. They were discussing some kind of a bet -- a field goal is worth a beer and a touchdown is worth a shot. Do people work on Friday?

I'm watching Roger Federer play in the United States Open Tennis Championship.

No betting.

Posted by Bill at September 8, 2011 08:01 PM

They just have the "luxury" of working stupid, apparently. I know some people just like that.

I heard today who won the game Thursday night, and the one on Friday. Both were important around here since both involved WI teams. It's such a big deal to HBB and I we were glued to the results. ;) So I found out about said results on Saturday. No betting.

Posted by: Keri at September 11, 2011 12:16 AM