October 23, 2011

Contempt of Court

I was in court, and I'm standing there in the courtroom in front of the judge. And there's like a bunch of people in there, mostly waiting till I was done, some kind of really impatient because they were like waiting there long before I got there, some kind of angry because they have been waiting like forever. I got there kind of late -- walked the dogs -- but sometimes seniority has advantages.

And the judge is like saying something to me, and I'm fidgeting -- kind of stick my hand in the pocket of my jacket, just because that's something I do sometimes.

Only I like pull something out of my pocket. Plastic.

The judge kind of looks down at me from way up there above me and asks, "What IS that?" So inquisitive.

And I like hold it up for her to see; and I say, "Poop bag ... your Honor."

And she says, "Empty?"

"So far, but I haven't spoken yet, your Honor."

Posted by Bill at October 23, 2011 01:07 AM

Was Your Honour amused?

Posted by: Anji at October 23, 2011 09:40 AM

Can't speak for the court, but I am very amused.

Posted by: Kyle at October 23, 2011 02:09 PM