October 13, 2011

Vote "No" on Ohio Issue 2

I'm voting "No" on Issue 2 here in Ohio, which is a vote to repeal Senate Bill 5, which would limit collective bargaining for local public employees, prohibit payments by local governments to employee pension plans, prohibit local governments from paying more than 80% toward the cost of employee health benefit premiums, among other things, interfering with local governments' right to run themselves.

What bugs me more than anything are the small post cards, big post cards, and letters I get in the mail that are paid for by some organization located in Virginia urging me to vote for the issue.

Dick Cheney's former political director, Kara Ahern, is a part of the group, as is Cheney's daughter.

Enough said.

Posted by Bill at October 13, 2011 06:58 PM

These double-negative votes confuse me, but help me out: SB 5 limited collective bargaining (etc), and Issue 2 seeks to repeal it? And you intend to vote no on Issue 2, preserving limitations on collective bargaining (etc)? And Dick Cheney wants you to vote yes, removing those limitations? Or is Issue 2 a vote to confirm the limitations of SB 5, which perhaps were too sweeping to be achieved through legislative fiat?

If you can't help, I guess I need Romney to spell it out for me.

Posted by: dan at October 26, 2011 02:33 PM