June 04, 2012

Exploding Ants and My Generation

There's a scientific article everybody should read. It's about ants that explode!

My foursome of elder statesmen, of which I am the youngest and not a statesman, played in the annual Robby Golf Classic, benefitting a scholarship fund for disadvantaged minority students at my alma mater, with a dozen and a half younger teams, one of which counted a ringer, an imposter, a fraud, as a member. They brought in a professional golfer.

In response to the warm welcome by the alumni director and her heartfelt wish to all to "enjoy the friendly competition," it was overheard in my foursome, "There is no such thing as friendly competition." Fuckers. Golf pro, my ass.

We took home our third consecutive championship trophy.

A speeding ticket on the way back home made it a pretty expensive day. But we won.

Posted by Bill at June 4, 2012 09:28 PM