June 16, 2012

Katniss and Me, Part Deux

We finished listening to "The Hunger Games" a week or so ago. I really want to let you know what I thought of the book on audible.com, citing examples and stuff like that; but I cannot recall much of the story.

I do know she survived the ordeal -- of course, she did because she was the narrator. And I recall that Petr or Peter or Pita also lived. They got artificial body parts and were restored to their original beauty. Yes, the Six Million Dollar Man and the Six Million Dollar Woman were the original genesis for the story.

There was a drunken guy who saved them, and the question is whether they are really in love with each other, but they most assuredly will lead the resistance movement in District 12 and eventually restore their country to its rightful glory in a fight between the Yangs and the Kohms. A star ship captain and his alien sidekick will assist them in their battle, just philosophically, not physically, because there is the prime directive to consider.

So, I'll pass on downloading the other two books. Why ruin it for others?

E Plebb Neestuh, baby!

Posted by Bill at June 16, 2012 09:43 PM

it always ends in Star Trek for you, doesn't it?

Posted by: Mark at June 20, 2012 05:30 PM