November 20, 2011


United States Patent # 1,909,537 was issued on May 16, 1933. The drive-in theater was thus established and reached its peak in the late 1950's and early 1960's, along with the post WWII automobile boom. My first recollection of seeing a movie on the big screen was at a drive-in with my parents sitting in the front seat of the car. I don't know the year, but I know it was Cloverleaf Drive-in at the bottom of the Granger Road hill in Valley View, Ohio. I could not tell you the name of the movie or the names of the actors or the plot of the movie.

I don't recall much of the movie because I was hiding behind the seat scared out of my wits. And the image was seared into the synapses of my brain because I can still see the body impaled by wooden stakes at the bottom of the pit. The image has haunted me for all of my life, but I have been able to suppress that image enough so that I don't have horrific nightmares about deep pits and wooden stakes.

Then, my entire life changed when I was channel surfing a couple weeks back. TCM. The body, the stakes, the nightmares: The Black Room.

The Horror.

I turned it off.

Too late.

Posted by Bill at 08:27 PM | Comments (1)

November 16, 2011

Just Say NO

"A caller reported that he arrived at the parking lot of Barbarino’s on Sprague Road about 10:30 p.m. Nov. 6 to buy marijuana in a prearranged agreement. When he arrived, he met his dealer who was sitting in a car with his girlfriend. The woman had a baby on her lap. Once the caller got into the car, the woman pulled a gun and demanded all his money, reported at $50." -- North Olmsted Police Blotter.

Drugs are bad.

Posted by Bill at 10:46 AM | Comments (2)

November 10, 2011


From the New York Times, in explaining the significance of Presidential election candidate Rick Perry's apparent lack of memory:

"And Republican operatives almost uniformly declared it as a sign of great trouble for his candidacy, with Mark McKinnon, an aide to former President George W. Bush, describing the moment as the 'human equivalent of shuttle Challenger.'"

A gaffe in a debate, while telling, is not "equivalent" to the explosion and disintegration of the Challenger space shuttle and horrible deaths of seven crew members.

Mark McKinnon is an idiot. And it figures that he worked for another with the same mentality.

Posted by Bill at 08:08 AM | Comments (0)

November 05, 2011

Mars Today

This is a picture taken by the Mars rover, Opportunity:
mars wall.jpg

There is speculation by scientists that this is evidence of the past presence of water on the surface of Mars. Why would they think something like that?

That looks like a street curb to me -- that would be evidence of a street.

Posted by Bill at 03:08 PM | Comments (1)

November 04, 2011

Trust Me

Republicans in the House debated about and passed a reaffirmation of “In God We Trust” as our national motto, which has been in place since 1956, was reaffirmed in 2002, and again in 2006. This, apparently, is something of major importance, since God will, if we trust it, provide jobs for the unemployed, houses for the homeless, and food for the undernourished children in this country.

In the meantime, for the third time in three weeks, Senate Republicans filibustered a bill to create jobs – this time through rebuilding America’s crumbling roads and bridges.

In God we trust.

Posted by Bill at 10:45 AM | Comments (2)