September 27, 2012

Romney and the Salt Lake City Olympic Games

Maybe I'm remembering things incorrectly about the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City. And maybe that is what the Romney campaign is hoping -- that people won't remember. Willard Romney is making a big deal about the great success he had in running things out there.

Sen. John McCain said back then: "You’ve got well over $1 billion that’s just a rip-off of the taxpayers, and, you know, is really a national disgrace … Actually, there should be a federal investigation."

Gee, could those Bain Capital stories about putting workers on the streets, outsourcing work overseas, and making millions and millions -- even now -- be true?

And how about Massachusetts? After he ran it, Massachusetts was 47th out of 50 states in job creation, down from 36th when he took office. Is that a good thing as Willard Romney claims?

Posted by Bill at 01:14 PM | Comments (1)

September 15, 2012

The Middle East

April 16, 2012 -- Richard Cohen wrote: “Among the attributes I most envy in a public man (or woman) is the ability to lie. If that ability is coupled with no sense of humor, you have the sort of man who can be a successful football coach, a CEO or, when you come right down to it, a presidential candidate. Such a man is Mitt Romney.”

And Willard Romney is stupid, too.

And dogs don't like him.

What do you expect for a guy who ties his dog in a cage to the roof of the car and drives 12 hours?

Posted by Bill at 05:36 PM | Comments (3)