December 18, 2003


this is going to be a little (ok. a lot) long. first is a post jax made at his old site. it blew me away. #2 is my post on my old site reacting to that. third comes my commentary (there’s a reason i posted these today – you’ll have to read to the end for it to make any sense). i know i’ve ALREADY lost some of you.


#1 : Friday, April 4 : posted by jackson

Right now I am sitting here in my room listening to Stevie Ray Vaughan playing live. The cd is a two-disc set from the Montreux Jazz Festival in '82 and '85. The sounds that are coming out of the speakers are that of a hot summer thunderstorm. They blow you to the back of the seat like a wind gust of a hurricane. Yes. . . a guitar hurricane. Everything in a jumble but still making sense to the trained ear. To a lot of people, it would sound the same. The same old chord changes and turn-arounds. You know -- all that crappy talk. It makes you want to throw up when you hear someone say that "Texas Flood" is the same as "You Better Leave My Little Girl Alone. " They are different. Similar but different. That is the beauty of his playing. He can take the same chord changes and the same timing and make it sound completely different. Different emotions and different effects on the brain. It cuts into your heart like a freshly sharpened butcher's knife. The kind you chop through bones with. The strat has never been used to such limits as SRV has used it. It has never been so abused and humbled. Before Stevie came along, the strat thought nobody could conquer it and push it to the limits. Stevie Ray Vaughan practically blows the pickups out of the body. I wonder what would happen to a Washburn or an Ibanez. They would probably crumble in his hands after one searing note from his finger. All I am trying to say is that Stevie Ray Vaughan is so out of this world. He makes sitting around doing nothing feel like Heaven.


#2 : Saturday, April 5 : posted by stacey

4:50 p. m. edited: title changed and lyrics added


from janis ian's "at seventeen"

this is why i'm freaked out today! start reading at "yesterday's news. " i am awed on a daily basis at SOMETHING from this kid.

this is one of the throw-away kids in our school district. you know what i mean: one of those kids they feel right off is not only NOT WORTHY AS A PERSON, but not worth their time and effort. easier to insure that he fails in their tiny, irrelevant chunk of the world than look a little deeper merely by OPENING THEIR EYES and doing THEIR FUCKING JOBS (i know that this is a novel idea -- i need to come down off my cloud)! most teachers just collect a paycheck. they COULD be doing something really important and making a difference. but noooo. . . and when this kid makes it -- and he will -- they'll be crawling out of the woodwork to own a piece of it. how will i be able to keep my mouth shut? how? i don't want to want to.

oh. and thank you god, for the FEW teachers that deserve and have earned for the rest of them their coveted and nauseating "martyr" status. i counted ONE at our local high school. you know who you are who deserve it -- AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE THAT DON'T. don't think for ONE SECOND that it was YOU who taught this kid anything about writing, music, literature, history, or even MATH. don't think you had ANYTHING to do with teaching him that he is a person that can do SOMETHING, say something, teach something, BE something. you looked at him for one minute and quickly ascertained that he deserved NONE of your priceless attention and figured it all out. he was NOTHING to you. and he would NEVER be more than NOTHING.

my friends say: let it go, get over it. i will. but YOU WILL KNOW WHAT IT IS I'VE GOTTEN OVER. and then maybe YOU will have learned something. to open your fucking eyes and heart. gah. forget it. you either have it in you, or you don't.


#3: Thursday, Decenber 19 : the big pay-off posted by stacey

2 weeks ago jax picked me up from work and told me that he called mr. h. and left a v/m message for him that he’d like to sit down and talk to him about “a couple things.” i, DUH, said what “things?” he said that he wanted to make amends through mr. h. for the way he treated both the high school and mr. h. personally. my response: pfffft. you don’t owe any of them shit, jax. they let YOU down. he proceeded to tell me that it wasn’t really FOR them, it was for HIMSELF. he needed to know that he did the right thing, whether or not the school administrators / staff / teachers behaved righteously or not.

oh man. god DAMN it. i wanted to be RIGHT. i wanted them to know what they missed about this kid.

he met with mr. h. today. now they know.

it wasn't MY way, but it was the RIGHT way.

Posted by Stacey at December 18, 2003 04:26 PM

That is so cool! I wish I could say something intelligent or inspirational but I would just screw it up and it would sound like babbling..... like it does now damnit.

Anyway, way to go jax!

Posted by: Jeff A at December 19, 2003 12:18 AM

Beautiful. You and Jax have so much to offer. Somehow I think we'll all be hearing more about that young man one day.

Posted by: TW at December 19, 2003 11:54 AM

I love reading Jax's blog.
I've worked with some teachers that have 'lost it', but there are lots more who really do every thing they can to help and understand. I agree with TW

Posted by: Anji at December 20, 2003 01:04 AM

That was such a beautiful thing to do. You must be proud of him Stacey. You have raised wonderful children.

Well done Jax - another milestone on your courageous walk to "freedom".

Posted by: Michelle at December 21, 2003 06:49 AM

I just thought I would come back to give you a hug. Here it is {{{{Stacey hug}}}} just because you are special, a wonderful mother and wife and a great blogger friend

Posted by: Michelle at December 21, 2003 01:14 PM