January 08, 2004

Open Letter to Carnegie Endowment for Peace

Carnegie Endowment for Peace
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir or Madam:

I didn't read your report on the Iraq thingy because it was just too long. It's longer than Old Man and the Sea, which I never read, so I probably won't read it. I, like our President, believe in briefings; so, I heard about your report briefly. The report was on NPR. They're liberals.

It's hard for me to believe that Iraq posed "no imminent threat" to the USA because nine U.S. soldiers were killed today. It's hard for me to believe there's no credible evidence that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction. The 35 U.S. soldiers wounded yesterday should be evidence enough that there are weapons of "mass destruction."

I just don't understand why you think our President would lie to us. Or why you think our Vice-President would lie to us. Or why our Secretary of State would lie to the U.N.

And even if they did, it was definitely for our own good. It's not like Bush lied about getting a blow job by an intern.


Posted by Bill at January 8, 2004 08:02 PM

Ooooohhh. That was good - send it to a newspaper.

Posted by: Michelle at January 9, 2004 09:01 AM


Posted by: tj at January 9, 2004 12:46 PM

Hey... I can't find your e-mail address... I have questions on the disability act regarding my mom.

If you don't mind.... and you can delete this comment if you want since it has NOTHING to do with the president getting a blow job.

Posted by: -d at January 9, 2004 02:01 PM

I don't think we'll *ever* need to worry about Bush getting a blowjob in the White House.

Posted by: Philip at January 10, 2004 12:14 AM

Thus far, President Bush's policy has lead to the overthrow of brutal dictatorships in Kabul and Baghdad followed by the installation of democratic, representative governments in their place. Also, a third dictatorship in Tripoli has agreed to give up research into and production of WMDs. The world's most fearsome terrorist has long been blown to bits. Although every American death is tragic, if the above record does not merit their sacrifice, what does?

Posted by: Brett at January 10, 2004 01:58 AM

Brett, I'm not clear on what democratic governments you're saying we helped institute. Afghanis and Iraqis are governed, respectively, not at all, and by our appointed council - that can't even agree on how to ordain elections. Libya has been backing down for years to international pressure, primarily economic - so they can go back to trading with the French, but without a change in a regime as corrupt and reprehensible as Saddam ever was. Meanwhile, we're deeper in debt than ever and I've got zealots trying to jam their religion and morality down my throat even as they infringe on the civil rights that ostensibly make this country different from its enemies. Or did I get the facts wrong?

Posted by: dan at January 12, 2004 07:29 PM