July 19, 2008

Word Games

It's nice to see that Bush the Lesser has finally agreed to a timeline for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.

I'm sorry -- it's not a timeline.

It's a time horizon.

What is a "time horizon?"


They made up another meaning for the word "horizon" because all of the definitions I have read don't make any sense at all. It's an acronym in French, and even that doesn't fit.

Maybe it's something like an "event horizon," which is the boundary of a black hole, inside of which no light can escape.

The troops will be withdrawn at a point when there is no time.

You're not supposed to understand.

Posted by Bill at July 19, 2008 05:00 PM

No no, I get it: the ontology of possible worlds, right? There must be another world, in which we aren't borrowing money we don't have to buy oil from people who think we're dickheads, so we can waste life we supposedly love and ruin the only world that's technically apparent to us, in which we have to live. ... Am I close?

Posted by: Kyle at July 22, 2008 02:25 AM