January 22, 2011

Chemistry and U2

I may have already written about my pair of periodic table socks; but to refresh my recollection, these colorful socks have the periodic table woven into each sock so that when I pick up a pant leg, the periodic table of elements is partially visible. I suppose that if I was a chemistry geek, I would wear the socks when I wear shorts. I'm not; I don't.

One day, after doing the laundry, and I don't know how it got to the point that I'm doing the laundry, but it's here, I discovered that one of my periodic table socks was gone. And that happens. It is an unalterable law of the universe that no physicist has been able to explain. One sock in a pair always disappears. There are dozens of disappearing sock theories that have never been proven.

But several months after the sock disappeared, it reappeared, not in the laundry room or under the bed or behind a dresser drawer, but, as I was pulling out of the subterranean garage, near the exit door.

I came across the rejoined pair of socks in my sock drawer this morning. I didn't think about wearing them because it was too cold to wear those socks -- 6 degrees. I had, however, avoided wearing them since I reunited them. Frankly, I am afraid to wear them. What happens to me if one sock is again lost in some wormhole of space while I am wearing it?

I don't want to find out.

My tickets to the U2 concert in Pittsburgh arrived in today's mail. I am taking Matt, who will be meeting me there.

Posted by Bill at January 22, 2011 06:53 PM

so jealous on the U2 tickets and pittsburgh. what's the date? my daughter doesn't tell me any good shows coming up in there.

and i love your socks. genius.

Posted by: christine at January 24, 2011 06:02 AM