August 29, 2011

Pro Basketball & the Rich

The average salary of an NBA player is $5 million per year.

But, more importantly, the wealthy get wealthier; the middle class is no longer able to sustain the cost of running the government. So, what is the solution? Instead of taxing the wealthy, cut out benefit programs for the middle and lower classes. Wow, that makes a whole lot of sense.

I am surprised that there is no uprising, the 2nd Amendment giving the opportunity for everyone to arm themselves.

That's all.

Posted by Bill at 07:20 AM | Comments (0)

August 24, 2011

Highway Robbery

Timothy Grady, Edward Grady, and John Richardson were indicted for robbing Mr. and Mrs. Holder "upon the Kings Highway between nine or ten of the clock in the Evening and taking from them monies rings and a Campaign Coat, to a considerable vallue, between Southtown and Hays, near Oxbridg, But about two days after, they were apprehended in St. Gileses in the Fields; the Campaign then being on the back of Timothy Greedy, who in Court confessed the Robbery, excusing the others as not accessary, but the Evidence being some what positive against Edward Greedy, he with his Brother Timothy was found Guilty of the Fellony and Robbery, but the proof being weak against Richardson, he was acquitted." That was on February 26, 1680.

I thought it was an interesting look back in time. It was taken from the Old Bailey archive.

Posted by Bill at 04:04 PM | Comments (3)

August 14, 2011

High School Reunion

I decided to attend my high school reunion. I haven't been to one of them in a very long time, but I was soon reminded why shortly after arriving.

A guy, who I run into every so often and whom I have known since we were 9 years old, sat down next to me and, with a heavy tongue, started reminiscing about playing baseball in the school yard and in Little League, bringing up particular games, which I did not recall, and pointing out his feats of prowess on the Little League diamond nearly a half century ago.

Yeah, that's just what I yearned to talk about ...

Then, after checking in with a few people, I was stopped by a guy who I haven't seen since high school, who pointed out that we were teammates in Little League.

I left.

Posted by Bill at 09:49 PM | Comments (3)

August 05, 2011


The doctor said I need to take vitamins; so, I grabbed the bottle of vitamins I had been taking -- what was that, maybe a year or so ago, I can't remember.

I just happened to check the expiration date.


Maybe it was longer than a year ago that I was taking these vitamins.

Posted by Bill at 08:44 AM | Comments (1)

August 03, 2011

Invisibility Cloak -- Finally!

I can't believe it! Finally! I was anticipating two things to happen in the future, which is no longer in the future, but now:

1. Flying cars. I have discussed in this blog several times my disappointment that there are no flying cars zipping around in the 21st Century. It was supposed to happen.

2. Invisibility.

Invisibility is here! Some pesky scientists have invented an invisibility cloak. Wear it, and nobody can see you. Finally!

But then I read the article instead of just the headline, something I don't ordinarily do. I normally rely on headlines, but maybe I shouldn't do that. Could the news people actually write headlines that are misleading? Maybe so.

I read the article -- in case you didn't -- and it turns out that the scientists claim that they can make an object the size of a red corpuscle invisible.

Imagine that. What the fuck? Red corpuscles are fucking invisible!

Dumb fuckers. Look, I will make the period at the end of this sentence invisible

It's invisible. See?

Who the fuck do these bozo's think they are dealing with? How much money did they spend to make something that is normally invisible invisible?

What the fuck. And they talk about lawyers ...

Posted by Bill at 01:41 AM | Comments (2)