June 29, 2012

Cleveland Orchestra

Join the world-renowned Cleveland Orchestra for its 24th annual free concert celebrating freedom on Public Square on Monday, July 2, at 9 p.m., with fireworks following the performance. Jahja Ling returns to the Orchestra stage as guest conductor.

Musical festivities start at 5:30. Food trucks will invade the Square for delicious dinnertime offerings.

Posted by Bill at 08:06 AM | Comments (0)

June 27, 2012

Dumbing Down

There is a reality TV show that I came across -- what did the Boss say, 57 Channels and Nothing On -- while channel surfing.

"Monster-in-Laws" is the show.

That should be Monsters-in-Law. These "in-law" plurals are not difficult.

Are those boys over there your brothers? No, they're my brothers-in-law.

Are those two whores your sisters? No, they're my sisters-in-law; and those two big old nasty-lookin' guys there ... my brothers.

It's very easy.

Posted by Bill at 07:57 PM | Comments (0)

June 16, 2012

Katniss and Me, Part Deux

We finished listening to "The Hunger Games" a week or so ago. I really want to let you know what I thought of the book on audible.com, citing examples and stuff like that; but I cannot recall much of the story.

I do know she survived the ordeal -- of course, she did because she was the narrator. And I recall that Petr or Peter or Pita also lived. They got artificial body parts and were restored to their original beauty. Yes, the Six Million Dollar Man and the Six Million Dollar Woman were the original genesis for the story.

There was a drunken guy who saved them, and the question is whether they are really in love with each other, but they most assuredly will lead the resistance movement in District 12 and eventually restore their country to its rightful glory in a fight between the Yangs and the Kohms. A star ship captain and his alien sidekick will assist them in their battle, just philosophically, not physically, because there is the prime directive to consider.

So, I'll pass on downloading the other two books. Why ruin it for others?

E Plebb Neestuh, baby!

Posted by Bill at 09:43 PM | Comments (1)

June 04, 2012

Exploding Ants and My Generation

There's a scientific article everybody should read. It's about ants that explode!

My foursome of elder statesmen, of which I am the youngest and not a statesman, played in the annual Robby Golf Classic, benefitting a scholarship fund for disadvantaged minority students at my alma mater, with a dozen and a half younger teams, one of which counted a ringer, an imposter, a fraud, as a member. They brought in a professional golfer.

In response to the warm welcome by the alumni director and her heartfelt wish to all to "enjoy the friendly competition," it was overheard in my foursome, "There is no such thing as friendly competition." Fuckers. Golf pro, my ass.

We took home our third consecutive championship trophy.

A speeding ticket on the way back home made it a pretty expensive day. But we won.

Posted by Bill at 09:28 PM | Comments (0)

June 01, 2012

Katniss and Me

I haven't seen the movie, "The Hunger Games;" and I haven't read something from the juvenile fiction of the bookstore since The Kid Comes Back by John Tunis. Stacey and I are, however, listening to Carolyn McCormick narrate "The Hunger Games" that Stacey picked out at Audible.com.

Carolyn McCormick played a shrink in the Law and Order shows; and I didn't like her in that role.

Please don't write me and tell me the ending -- at this point, Katniss is on the hovercraft the morning the "Games" are to start, pondering her fate; and I hope she fucking dies pretty soon because I fucking cannot stand the stupid girl.

Oh, I know she's not going to buy it because that would abruptly end the first person narration, which would be an awesome literary device -- switching to the voice of the person who whacks her, who would automatically be my hero, if I were a teenager, especially if that person were the Pillsbury doughboy, the baker's son. I'm bad with names, by the way; and if I don't see it in writing, it's well nigh likely I will not remember. Peter, Pete, Pita -- I think it's Pita or Peta or Peda; and that could be short for Encyclopedia, his mother having been a fan of the ancient Encyclopedia Brown paperbacks she found stuffed between the window frame and the wall as insulation and to keep the window from falling out -- back story, of which you were unaware. But with the recent revelation, which was previously obvious, that Pita "loves" Katniss, I'm sure that he will save her from that big behemoth from District 11 by slinging a rock and hitting the big guy between the eyes -- only because that is a familiar story; and I'm sure we're into some kind of allegorical story, not one about a girl who always hits what she aims for right in the eye and doesn't think she has a particular skill set that would aid her in hunting down the kidnappers of her ... oh, that's Liam Neeson in a recent movie. Sorry. And I'm sure that Pita will sacrifice himself for Katniss, probably nailed to a tree by the bad group of tributes, for love.

In any event, we were listening while I was driving somewhere (and that is when we listen, in the car); and all of a sudden, I slam on the brakes and Stacey screams because Carolyn, as Katniss, of course, says something and did not use "[sister's name I cannot remember] and I" correctly. And this was, as it were, not isolated to this one instance -- is the author afraid to use the word "ME" when it's appropriate? Or maybe it's just Katniss being Katniss?

We will listen on.

Posted by Bill at 10:09 AM | Comments (0)