July 23, 2010



take a nap after you rotate this.

Posted by Stacey at 03:24 PM | Comments (2)

July 21, 2010

Mr. Personality

He's an attorney. I know he is an attorney. He has lived in the building for almost 3 years. I have never spoken with him; so, I have never had occasion to ask him his occupation. And he may not be a practicing attorney, but he has a law degree.

How do I know? I know the type. I have been around the block a few times. I sit outside at the coffee shop, sometimes working, sometimes talking to people in the neighborhood, sometimes simply watching. I am familiar with the type.

Really. How do I know? Because he is what people popularly call an asshole. I have seen him talking to others. I said hello to him a number of times early in our non-relationship. I held the elevator for him several times early in our non-relationship. But the melody of his voice has yet to grace my ears. No "hello," no "thank you," no "go fuck yourself."

In his version of reality, I am most assuredly inconsequential and may not exist. In my version of reality, he is an attorney because in my version of reality, decent people who aren't assholes, who aren't attorneys, say "hello" or "thank you" or the perfectly acceptable "go fuck yourself."

I finally decided today, when I got on the elevator after him with bags from the West Side Market in my hands, and after he had pushed the 7 button, when I asked him to hit my floor button, please, after he didn't offer to do so before I asked politely, and after he didn't push my floor button and ignored me.

There can be no other reasonable explanation. He's an attorney.

Posted by Bill at 10:42 AM | Comments (5)

July 14, 2010

She's Not Very Happy

And I'm the one who has to live with her.


If you would like a t-shirt at a reasonable cost, please leave your request in the comment section with a proper e-mail address.

Posted by Bill at 11:29 PM | Comments (3)

Road Trip

We took a little trip to Bethlehem, PA, recently to visit Matt and his lovely wife, Mel. Of course, Matt was working during the day; so, I suggested a day-trip to Gettysburg. The official website says that every American should make a pilgrimage to Gettysburg to see the site of the decisive Civil War battle, the cemetery, and all things related to Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. If an American wants to see all things related to Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, however, a trip to Cleveland is necessary because just to the east of the War Memorial Fountain is a statue of Abe Lincoln with the Gettysburg Address inscribed in the granite base:

Also on the official Gettysburg website are photographs of graves and the visitors' center and other stuff, like the types of tours that are conducted, movies that are shown, exhibits that are available for viewing, and, of course, the cost of all of the adventures a true American can undertake in the quest for knowledge of the history of the Battle of Gettysburg and its participants.

We embarked on the two-hour-and-fifteen-minute drive at about 10 in the morning, the temperature heading into the lower 90's in the Lehigh Valley. There would be some relief during the ride in the air conditioned car in anticipation of the humid, lower 90's expected in Gettysburg, which, on the map, appeared to be in the middle of nowhere in southern Pennsylvania.

After driving for nearly an hour -- everybody on the Eastern seaboard apparently had the same idea -- in heavy traffic on Rte. 22 or I-81, I saw the name on a green highway sign. And rather than gravesides, I thought we would be better served by heading to: HERSHEY 32, the destination to which every American should make a pilgrimage at least once in a lifetime.

Weighing the competing considerations, that is, Civil War history, old grave sites, and tourists vs. Chocolate bar history, rich, chocolate-y goodness, and tourists, the choice was obvious.

Posted by Bill at 06:39 PM | Comments (0)

July 10, 2010


this is MY last word on the subject. don't be coming HERE for any more lebum updates.

dear lebron,

you said that your "real" fans will still support you. you don't seem to understand that that is who you've really lost. all you have left are your basketball fans. you wanted to be a role model. there are 15 guys every year who earn a ring. there are plenty of those guys to look up to in the nba, if that's your new definition of a "role model."

your "real" fans believed you when you said that it was it was about more than a game. remember that? "more than a game?"

one day when you look in the mirror, the person that looks back at you will show you that you lost even him.

i am NOT and forever will NEVER be,
your #2 biggest fan

Posted by Stacey at 12:37 PM | Comments (0)